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Sales-optimized floor plan detail

What is included in the real estate marketing?

Houses and apartments are a highly desired asset, therefore it is important to deal with the topic of the real estate marketing as a seller. At the moment, many people want to buy a real estate property, but without a good real estate marketing it can happen that your own offer will fade away next to others. Successful real estate marketing means to score with the best features of the property, so that you can sell not only at the desired time, but especially at the desired price.

The first address to look for a property is currently the Internet, and here you can only score at first look on the basis of pictures and descriptions. And here you should try to bring out the best and let the property shine in the most beautiful splendor. It should be, so to speak: "love at first sight".

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The 1st thing in real estate marketing is, of course, the photos

  • First of all, the object must be brought up to perfection. Then you should choose a nice day to take the pictures, not when it is dark and gloomy. It is best if the light falls in the windows, then the property looks bright and friendly.
  • If it is a property for sale, it may be worthwhile to have the property given a professional make-over. An empty property, free of everything that does not belong to it, is the least. In addition, it may make sense to have minor renovations done. Also furniture helps to give a potential buyer a better insight and to be able to imagine the object better.
  • Better take a few more pictures than one too few. And please do not use a fisheye object, this will not give a realistic impression. It is better to take several pictures of a room from different perspectives. A good cell phone camera should be used at least for this, better a mirror reflex camera, because you can clearly see the difference.
  • Of course, the pictures should be post-processed. No picture should be loaded from the camera directly into a real estate ad. Even with small corrections, a picture looks directly more inviting.
Photos for real estate marketing
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2. What other features can support the real estate marketing?

  • Location maps provide a perfect overview. It answers at a single glance the questions of how far away are the nearest shopping facilities, gas stations, schools, kindergartens and much more.
  • Today, a 360-degree tour is part of the real estate marketing. The potential buyer or tenant can experience the property on the computer like in a video game and thus get an even better feeling whether it meets his requirements. Making such a tour is now child's play thanks to good cameras and our software.
  • Is it possible to book a drone for aerial photography? This can provide wonderful views of the property's surroundings. When it comes to real estate marketing, you can easily stay ahead of the game with ideas like this.
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The descriptions are also part of the real estate marketing

Correct description of a property

The descriptions should not be neglected! Although it is said that a picture says more than 1,000 words and the ambience of the object can be conveyed in beautiful pictures, detailed descriptions are an important part of the real estate marketing.

One may be attracted to the property at first sight, whether one then decides to visit and possibly buy depends entirely on the hard facts. Beautiful appearance or not, if a room is missing or the beloved bathtub is not installed, then it is just not the right object!

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Real estate marketing means to shine with facts

When were there modernizations? When was the equipment installed? Is the washing machine in a separate room or in the bathroom? How many rooms are there, in which direction do the windows face? Are there high-quality floor coverings, what are the walls like? What special features are there, what about the energy consumption? All these questions are crucial for the real estate marketing. And one more thing is important, and that is the floor plan.

The floor plan is one of the facts that can be the final deciding factor for or against a property. As a rule, people put it last in the pictures, which does not mean that it also has the last place in the importance. On the contrary!

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Why is the floor plan important for real estate marketing?

Not all people have a good imagination, which is why you have to use pictures and descriptions to make them feel like they are already standing in the apartment or house, enjoying the morning sun at the breakfast table and relaxing on the balcony from a long day at work. That's why storytelling and evoking emotion is such an important part of selling.

That being said, the floor plan also counts towards successful real estate marketing, and that's because it has a lot of meaning to many consumers! Pictures can be taken from different perspectives and often don't reveal exactly how the apartment and its individual rooms are now arranged. Where are the windows located? Where exactly does the balcony lead off from and how big is it compared to the other rooms? Is there a terrace and is the bathroom a comfortable size? How distant are the paths between the individual rooms? A floor plan clarifies these questions at a glance.

Floor plan
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Let us prepare a floor plan for your real estate marketing!

Floor plans for real estate marketing

Often there is no floor plan for a property or it is very old and not very detailed. The floor plans that architects and other specialists work with cannot be read well by everyone because there are many diagrams and units of measurement. We will create a floor plan exactly for your purposes, which you can use very well for your real estate marketing.

Our floor plans - clear, modern and convincing!